Jamie Ortega
I don't mind if you don't say anything about it. I don't mind not getting any appreciation but when you insult my efforts that's what gets me. I hate tackless people who can't appreciate effort but can bring you down with words. So yes its cheaper to buy than to make from scratch. Buying is better. It's the thought that counts. I guess for some people it's the thought and practicality that counts while thought and effort won't get you a thank you instead you get criticism shoved in your face. I guess I should understand it's a different lifestyle and culture - it's a lazy materialistic one. But people can't be blamed for the morons they are. But please you don't have to share your insulting insults to everyone you talk to. And clearly it wasn't necessary to tell me that. I don't know what's worse - people crushing other people's efforts on purpose or being used to insulting without intention. THINK BEFORE YOU FUCKING SPEAK.

Never again. Next time will be for people who appreciate what you do for them especially on special occasions.

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Jamie Ortega