Jamie Ortega
Before anything else, a big THANK YOU to everyone who still reads my blog. It's not really a big number I'm just glad to see the stats and see there are people who regularly check out my obsessive, complaining sometimes dramatic sometimes nonsense sometimes narcissistic posts. Thanks for the time. :)

photos from weheartit

I'm sorry I cannot stop posting about these books. The movie is gonna be out soon and I don't wanna be selfish but It's not gonna be the same when everyone knows about it. Good that their gonna get a bigger fanbase but I hate it when there are know-it-alls cause let's face it, many many people are like that. If you read the books, fine, but if you're just basing it on research.. not cool. I want it to turn out like the Harry Potter saga not Twilight.

I'm not sure how the movie can ruin the books I'm just sure that movies find ways to all the time but I'm sure it's gonna be a movie to see anyway. I love how the story is so much like our world now. It's not exactly and literally like what takes place but the whole concept it's based on. I love the drama and the tragedy as well. And I love Peeta Mellark

So after, when he whispers, "You love me. Real or Not?"
I tell him, "Real"

Honestly, I liked Gale better in the beginning but I'm for KATNISS-PEETA.
Gale's too... well risky I guess. He has anger issues. He's too focused on his feelings that he sometimes loses emotions and his sympathy for other people. I guess this is why I don't like Damon for Elena (TVD), Sure he loves Elena but he doesn't mind hurting the people she loves. Stefan would never think of it. 
I like Peeta. He's gentle and would never hurt anyone. He seems so warm and sweet but protective and he seems funny :D
Sooooo Movie, please be good. I'm super excited for you. I CANNOT WAIT TO SEE THE TRIBUTES' COSTUMES FOR THE PARADE! Peeta and Katniss on fire ftw!

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Jamie Ortega