Jamie Ortega
  • My golly! Such well-bred, attractive people! No wonder they have the guts to be sluts and pricks.
  • Fix You can make me cry.
  • Onions stink and cling.
  • Some places have really low standards. Big fish in a small town, but if it makes you feel good, atleast we have something to laugh at.
  • The rain is pouring, like fucking pouring.




There is nothing better than to have that person be all over you very openly, without holding back. He can't keep his arms off you but it's not like you're trying to break free. You do try, just because you know when you do, he'll hold on tighter. He gives you sweet sweet kisses on the forehead and cheeks. He looks at you like he first did and you just know in that moment, it's all true and real.

I don't mean to be cheesy. I just feel really happy and lucky to have these moments. And honestly, I hope everyone gets to feel this way. :)
This party was SO high-school-house-party-in-the-movies. Smoke machine, lights, music, Bacardi 151 + vodka + tequila etc. etc., "almost" fights, dancing, breaking the doorknob, breaking the bathroom door, throw up session, writing/drawing on wasted person's face, wasted person rolling on his own vomit and smoke everywhere *smh*. And that's what they were going for.

Kudos to Ate Lyka and Harry for an awesome party. I'm not very much of a party person anymore but this is good once in a while. Great night! :)

photos from our friend Justin Cyril. I do not own any of these :)

SYNOPSIS:Robin can't believe it when her boyfriend, Chris, tells her that his parents have enrolled him in a summer program in Rome. It's their last summer together before he goes away to college, and now they won't even have that time together. It feels like the worst thing that's ever happened to her.Since Chris is leaving, Robin agrees to join her aunt and cousins on a cross-country road trip, in spite of her reservations — she and her younger cousins have never really gotten along, and since their father's death they've become even more problematic than before.

Soon the four of them are zigzagging through the West on an eye-opening journey. They explore parts of the country Robin never dreamed existed — and she discovers inner resources she never imagined she had.

I came across this book when I was still in Los Baños. I bought it in BOOK SALE where books are dirt cheap and I was first drawn to the cover design. Sadly it's still at my aunt's place in Los Baños along with atleast 20 more books boxed up.

I was really able to relate with it being seventeen and inlove and staying with relatives and just being in that stage where change is inevitable. The characters are colorful, the scenes are picturesque and the drama is all you can ask for. ;) The girl, Robin, is honestly such a needy somewhat immature in the beginning but she transforms quite beautifully.

I will always hate myself for leaving those books behind especially this one. This has a special place in my heart.
I'm officially a citizen of District 4 (atleast according to the official website)! :D May the odds be ever in my favor!

Day made. Now Finnick, where are you? I'll be waiting :))
Maybe if I got to hang out with you people more, I'd forget how a bunch of assholes and sluts you were.
So most of you know I was born and raised in the Kingdom of Bahrain for 16 years. My college friend once asked me if I would recommend Bahrain as a tourist attraction. I honestly didn't know. What I can say is that if you're looking for natural attractions, or theme parks and all, it probably isn't the place for you. BUT if you just wanna be in a pretty little city, or go shopping for hella cheap in stores like H&M, F21, Topshop, Zara etc., have a decent night out, and eat a lot, then you should check it out. It's a pretty little lit up country, especially at night. There is nothing like seeing the Bahrain lights when you are on the plane and about to land.

(pictures from weheartit.com, I own none of these photos)

American Alley, Juffair. Ahh. I miss this place the most. We currently stay in Juffair and I love it there. I love walking at night or in the afternoon. Everything is in Juffair!
Guys would you do me a favor and go to the link below then like the photo. My really good friend Joliv is joining this Political Science Pageant in her school. She's obviously the prettiest one so please do "like". :)



This week I found out there's this Bar Gym nearby my area. I was asking my prof about flairtending after class one afternoon and he said that I should just ask to be taught by people from school who already knew how but he said if I was really interested, I should check out the bar gym where they have tutorials. If you knew me well, this is like totally my childhood dream (don't judge). Hey, I watched Coyote Ugly when I was young and I was really motivated to be a kickass flairtender. I've attended a workshop once and I loved it. I'm not going to lie and tell you I was naturally great at it, I was not. But that did not discourage me. I want to do all those juggling tricks and look cool at that (ha!). I'm definitely gonna check their rates (when I have the freakin' time) and I'm hoping it's not too expensive because I want to get back to dance class asap.

I really really REALLY miss going to dance class. It's my "me time". I mean I go there all by myself and I don't know the people there. I just like to get lost in whatever routine we're doing. I go home and my whole body's aching yet I've never felt better, you know what I mean? It's something I do for myself, no one else, and having to have that something is just really good for me.

I think attending classes like these is therapeutic. I get to sort out issues or rather I remember why I shouldn't be having issues at all. I get to focus on myself and challenge myself to do better. And I make myself better. 

In the meantime I have 6 days a week of school. And in all fairness to myself I think I'm pretty good at managing my time. I always have time for my boyfriend and friends despite the busy schedule. I guess I can squeeze in non-academic classes as well. :)

Jamie Ortega